I was commissioned in 2017 by the Mogalakwena Craft Art Development Foundation (MCADF) to create the first ever catalogue showcasing their handmade products.
Even though the Foundation was established in 1994, I had to start the project from scratch. I first photographed meticulously most of the products they have created over the years including embroideries, interior accessories, baskets & weaved artworks, sculptures, cushions, panels, etc. Secondly, we organised the products into sections and sub-sections and finally I laid out the different elements into the catalogue keeping a simple and luminous design. The catalogue comprises 102 pages of handmade products.
MCADF assists in the restoration, development and promotion of traditional craft art skills and supports the economic and social up-liftment of the local Northern Sotho community. Their aim is to establish a sustainable development program, employment opportunities, transfer skills and preserve indigenous culture.
The Foundation specialises in the training of multiple skills - embroidery, bead work, candle making, sewing, knitting, crochet, basket weaving, pottery, basic computer literacy, practical first aid courses, AIDS awareness & care, children’s art workshops and basic principles of cultural tourism. It focusses on traditional hand crafts and contemporary design to create unique artworks as well as interior accessories.
Mogalakwena Craft Art Development Foundation - South Africa
September 2017
Print materials · Photography